5 Key Factors in Transferring Your Business to a Family Member

The odds are that you've put a great deal of yourself into your business. Inevitably, the day will come when you have no choice but to walk away from your business and begin a new chapter of your life. Quite often, businesses are transferred from one family member to another. In this article, we will examine 5 of the key factors you'll want to … [Read more...]

Maintaining Confidentiality Throughout the Sale Process

There are two key ingredients when it comes to selling a business: professionalism and confidentiality. If either of these two ingredients are lacking, then you'll most likely run into problems. Sadly, many sellers see their deals fall apart due to a breach of confidentiality. You certainly don't want to be among their ranks. The simple fact is … [Read more...]

Key Elements for Every Partnership Agreement

You should never forget that your partnership agreement is, in fact, one of the most important business documents you will ever sign. Many people go into business with loved ones, relatives or lifelong friends only to discover (once it's too late) that they should have had a partnership agreement. A partnership agreement protects everyone … [Read more...]

Embracing Retirement and Selling: 4 Tips for a Smooth Transition

No one works forever. Regardless of how much you love your business, sooner or later you will have to step away. Owning a business can be very demanding. This fact can be doubly true for owner-operators of businesses. The simple fact is that you'll have to embrace retirement at some point. Most business owners have never sold a business before … [Read more...]