Perhaps you weren’t actively looking to sell your business but received an offer too tempting to ignore. You should be asking a lot of questions before you proceed. Is this the right buyer? Is it a real offer? How do I know what terms to include in an IOI or LOI? Which advisors do I hire, and when? If this sounds like you, there are a few important steps to consider. (some typos fixed)
An unsolicited offer can be a powerful catalyst for action. It signals that your business is desirable and that there are buyers ready to invest. Even if selling wasn’t in your immediate plans, receiving an offer provides a valuable opportunity to reassess your business’s worth, explore the current market, and potentially secure a highly favorable deal.
Additionally, an unsolicited offer puts you in a strong negotiating position. Since you weren’t actively seeking a buyer, you have the advantage of time and choice, allowing you to evaluate the offer without feeling pressured. This can lead to a better deal, whether through negotiation or by uncovering other interested buyers.
So, what next? An experienced ABI advisor can quickly step in to help assess the situation. Contact us now for immediate assistance.
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